Sunday, September 5, 2021

Renting Versus Buying - Hint: Never be a Renter!

Never pay rent again. Rent has climbed 7% year-over-year and 5% since March (according to Zillow)! That is by no means a small jump, and the reasons behind it should come as no surprise. With a surge in housing prices, mortgages continue to go up, causing landlords of newly purchased properties with a dilemma: raise the rents to meet the mortgage or keep rents low and throw away your profit entirely. Combine the above with rampant inflation we’ve been experiencing, and you have a perfect storm for higher and higher rents. Investors are snapping up houses. Why? How does this impact future renters and homebuyers?

If you are JUST getting started in real estate investing, you NEED to attend my ONE-DAY virtual training. I teach it LIVE over ZOOM, and it's only $1 (yes, one dollar) for SIX HOURS of solid how-to training! If you're ready for a more in-depth experience, then you owe it to yourself to investigate my THREE- DAY Millionaire Jumpstart Event. I host it four times a year in various locations, and you can attend LIVE and in person. I'll be your coach all three days. Find out more at

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Why Real Estate Is I.D.E.A.L. - “D” = Depreciation - Part 2 (Plus Bonus ...

Before Lou started discussing depreciation, he turned on the cameras for an impromptu peak into one of his Platinum Mastermind group. This is just one of the meetings where people who are using Lou's real estate investing system come to share what they are doing, solve challenges and stay up to date on what is working now. This group requires an application to join, if you are an active investor and would like information on the Platinum group, please call 800-578-8580. “D” = Depreciation Couple this with a formidable tax strategy that allows us as investors to pretend, for tax purposes, that the value of our property is going down while we really know that in most areas it is going up. We are receiving tax benefits (Depreciation) while receiving income. The income exceeds our expenses, yet we get to write off more than our income. This results in tax losses. Uncle Sam tells us that we lose money even though we made money. I think they call that “Voodoo Economics.” Of course, the real reason the government allows us these tax incentives is to entice us to invest in rental real estate. They learned they aren’t very good landlords and decided giving the public an incentive to deal with tenants would help get them out of the land-lording business. So, this means you can own it, “lose money” while making money, use the “losses” to offset other income, and potentially zero out your taxes! Imagine that. If you are JUST getting started in real estate investing, you NEED to attend my ONE-DAY virtual training. I teach it LIVE over ZOOM, and it's only $1 (yes, one dollar) for SIX HOURS of solid how-to training! If you're ready for a more in-depth experience, then you owe it to yourself to investigate my THREE- DAY Millionaire Jumpstart Event. I host it four times a year in various locations, and you can attend LIVE and in person. I'm your coach all three days. Find out more at

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cover Your Assets! | Street Smart Investor | Real Estate Investing

Is there an invisible target on your back? There is an entire industry made up of “professional takers.” Lawyers who build a practice on getting a cut of the settlements they win for ridiculous reasons. In many cases, these lawyers win without even going to court, as their “victims” just settle because they know in the long run, defending themselves (even against insanely stupid claims) will cost them more than just paying up. You may have a target on your back now, or in the future and not even know it! It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, you can set yourself up so a lawyer will take one look at you and realize they don’t have an ice cube’s chance in Arizona of getting your money or property. Unfortunately, most people don't do anything at all and they're walking around with big, fat, bullseyes on their backs! Here’s a few examples of the stupid stuff people sue over: • Man sues NASA for not investigating alien life. • A fitness club member sues for getting injured after stepping on a moving treadmill. • Homeowners sue claiming their views are ruined by the dunes that saved their home from Superstorm Sandy. • After eviction for nonpayment, a tenant sued in small claims court for her deposit back plus damages because she had rats in her apartment...but she also had months’ worth of garbage that was never taken out and slept with the back door open so the dog could come in and out. Real estate investors are leading targets to those who want something for nothing. But there is an easy way to protect yourself and your family from these “criminals.” Well, that is the topic of this Tuesday’s LIVE STREAM with Lou Brown. Lou has been an investor and mentor for over 40 years. Thousands and thousands of people have come to Lou to learn his unique approach to real estate investing. Tune in and participate in this LIVE discussion as Lou shares the powerful secrets of how to PROPERLY protect your asset. He might even reveal what Kamala Harris and Bill Gates Have in common and how that matters to you. There will also be an exciting FREE give-away of Lou’s book, “TRUSTS Create Privacy, Avoid Probate, Protect Everything” which outlines the unique approach used by Lou and his devotee investors! Timestamps: 0:01 - Introduction - The Four P’s of Trusts 0:49 - News of the week: The Moratorium is Extended until July 31st 1:30 - Wins of the Week 1:55 - 3 new members become silver members of Path To Home Ownership 3:42 - 2 new CAHP members 4:02 - $16K raised for Nepa Cure Foundation 6:28 - The Four P’s of Trusts 7:54 - “Privacy” 8:55 - Free Book about Trusts: 10:14 - “Probate Avoidance” 12:18 - “Protection” 13:12 - “Profits” 13:42 - One-day event for $1 on July 10th - https://www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online 18:25 - Street Smart Tuesdays at 5 pm ET - Tell us the things you want us to talk about! 23:09 - Today’s Tip: Use trusts, the most powerful entity for real estate! 24:11 - July 4th - US Independence Day If you are JUST getting started in real estate investing, you NEED to attend my ONE-DAY virtual training. I teach it LIVE over ZOOM, and it's only $1 (yes, one dollar) for SIX HOURS of solid how-to training!